
We’re glad you’ve found us and hope that this will mark the beginning of a great partnership. Please come and be our guest one day soon. When you’re here, you’ll find that among great ministries, our greatest upside is our people. We hope our congregation embodies hospitality and friendliness more than any other. No matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve been up to, you have a place at Dacula UMC, and you are important to us.

This is also a place where you can encounter God and seek answers to your questions. Our goal is not just to be able to count you as present, but to allow faith to impact you in meaningful, life-giving ways. We want to see each person truly engage with Christ and experience the fullness of life Christ offers.  Our “What to Expect” or “Next Steps” sections that follow will be able to answer questions you might have.


Sunday Worship

9:45/10:00 a.m.  Connection Groups/Classes meet
11:00 a.m.  Traditional Service 
Our Traditional Service is also livestreamed
Available at 9:45am through 12:15pm
We offer nursery care (ages 6 weeks up to 2 years old)

What to Expect

E X P E R I E N C E     W O R S H I P   T H I S     S U N D A Y!

Dacula UMC meets for worship on Sunday mornings at 11:00am. Our Sunday morning service, special services, and events are designed to be welcoming and we want you to feel comfortable. Whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual or a suit and tie, as long as you are wearing clothes, you will fit right in! Visitors will not be expected to say or do anything during the service. We hope you will visit and be able to share in the life of Dacula UMC.
While you’re here, we invite you to stop by our Welcome Center and grab a welcome bag for more information about Dacula UMC and a small gift.

Connect-Social Media

Next Steps

Now that you’ve visited, find out Next Steps to help you get connected here at Dacula UMC.



Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday | 9:00-2:30pm
(except holidays)
To contact the church office, email: daculaumc@gmail.com